Mind Your Body Therapy


Interactive Metronome

The IM program is a form of cognitive therapy that "trains the brain" to plan, sequence and process information more effectively through interactive exercises. 



What is Interactive Metronome (IM)?   Interactive Metronome (IM) uses a patented auditory guidance system plus kinesthetic exercises to improve the foundation skills essential for learning and development.  It is a noninvasive therapy that improves motor planning and sequencing.   Developed through the collaborative efforts of a child psychiatrist and an audio engineer, it utilizes cognitive and physical activities  to improve the brain's inherent ability to repair or remodel itself through a process called neuroplasticity.


How it Works:  The IM program "trains the brain" to plan, sequence and process information more effectively through repetition and interactive exercises.  Thirteen different hand and foot movements are performed while auditory guide tones direct the individual to match the metronome beat.  The difference between the individual's response and the computer generated beat is measured in milliseconds (ms.) and a score is provided. A low ms. score indicates improved timing and overall performance.  The program consists of either 12 or 15 one-hour sessions which can be completed in just 3 to 5 weeks.




What are the Benefits?

The IM program has been shown to produce significant results in children and adults with a wide range of physical and cognitive difficulties as well for those that just want to maximize their abilities.  It is a non-invasive, drug-free, short duration approach that offers measurable, lasting results. 


Who benefits from IM?

       maintain excellent fine motor skills, rhythm and timing

      and coordination

       disabilities, ADHD,  Sensory Integration Disorder, Autism

       Spectrum Disorder, and fine and gross motor difficulties.



IM helps to develop and sustain:

Watch this videos on the Interactive Metronome:


You can also read more about the research that supports this therapy at:




Dyslexia Case Study:



ADHD Case Study:



Central Auditory Processing Disorder and ADD Case Study:



Non-Verbal Learning Disability Case Study:



Interactive Metronome and golf:

http://www.interactivemetronomeservices.com/Research Papers/Golf Study_Alt.doc.